Food habits became more and more individual over the years. This even leads to the fact that Germans eat less and less together. Even fixed meal times are dissolving more and more. People eat according to their desire and hunger.
However, this is also due to the fact that not all people can eat or tolerate the same thing. The number of intolerances and allergies increases continuously, diets and other diseases such as diabetes mellitus also influence the choice of meals. Also life – and nourishing attitudes such as vegetarianism or Veganismus lead to ever more individual meal habits.
It is up to everyone how and when they eat, but not everyone knows what they eat. As a result, countless people suffer from abdominal pain, rashes and even depression without being diagnosed. The reason for this can be certain foods such as wheat, milk, nuts or sugar. A lack of nutritional values can also have severe consequences, from colds and colds to dehydration, which in turn can lead to strokes and anaemia.
Ein Grund für unaufgeklärte Mängel oder Unverträglichkeiten sind die starken Essgewohnheiten, welche schon durch die Muttermilch und Eltern geprägt werden. Eine Umstellung ist nicht leicht, aber die Erkenntnis einer Fehlernährung und das Wohlbefinden nach einer guten Mahlzeit helfen sich mit seinem Essen zu beschäftigen. Dies wiederum steigert die Lebensqualität nachhaltig.
A diet adapted to his body leads to more energy in everyday life, better concentration and more performance in sport.